Accessibility Checklist

Level A (Beginner)

Guideline Summary
1.1.1 – Non-text Content (Level A) Provide text alternatives for non-text content (images; video and audio recorded after 23 September 2020).
1.2.1 – Audio-only and Video-only (Pre-recorded) (Level A) Provide an alternative to video-only and audio-only content. n/a
1.2.2 – Captions (Pre-recorded) (Level A) Provide captions for videos with audio (if recorded after 23 September 2020).
1.2.3 – Audio Description or Media Alternative (Pre-recorded) (Level A) Provide audio description or text transcript for videos with sound (if recorded after 23 September 2020).
1.3.1 – Info and Relationships (Level A) Content, structure and relationships can be programmatically determined (e.g. proper use of elements such as headings and bullet points).
1.3.2 – Meaningful Sequence (Level A) Present content in a meaningful order.
1.3.3 – Sensory Characteristics (Level A) Instructions don’t rely solely on sensory characteristics. links shouldn’t be differentiated by colour only.
1.4.1 – Use of Colour (Level A) Don’t use presentation that relies solely on colour. links shouldn’t be differentiated by colour only.
1.4.2 – Audio Control (Level A) Don’t play audio automatically.
2.1.1 – Keyboard (Level A) All content should be accessible by keyboard only.
2.1.2 – No Keyboard Trap (Level A) Don’t trap keyboard users.
2.2.1 – Timing Adjustable (Level A) Time limits have user controls. n/a
2.2.2 – Pause, Stop, Hide (Level A) Provide user controls for moving content.
2.3.1 – Three Flashes or Below (Level A) No content should flash more than three times per second. n/a
2.4.1 – Bypass Blocks (Level A) Provide ‘Skip to Content’ links to bypass navigation and areas where user might get trapped, e.g. a Twitter feed.
2.4.2 – Page Titled (Level A) Use helpful and clear page titles.
2.4.3 – Focus Order (Level A) The user can tab through the page in a logical order.
2.4.4 – Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A) Every link’s purpose is clear from its context.
3.1.1 – Language of Page (Level A) Page has a language assigned.
3.2.1 – On Focus (Level A) Elements do not change when they receive focus.
3.2.2 – On Input (Level A) Elements do not change when they receive input.
3.3.1 – Error Identification (Level A) Clearly identify input errors.
3.3.2 – Labels or Instructions (Level A) Label elements and give instructions where necessary.
4.1.1 – Parsing (Level A) No major code errors.
4.1.2 – Name, Role, Value (Level A) Build all elements for accessibility.

Level AA (Intermediate)

Guideline Summary
1.2.4 – Captions (Live) (Level AA) Add captions to live videos. n/a
1.2.5 – Audio Description (Pre-recorded) (Level AA) Provide audio descriptions for pre-recorded videos. n/a
1.3.4 – Orientation (Level AA) Your website adapts to portrait and landscape views.
1.3.5 – Identify Input Purpose (Level AA) The purpose of input fields must be programmatically determinable.
1.4.3 – Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA) Contrast ratio between text and background is at least 4.5:1. Items specified here:
1.4.4 – Resize Text (Level AA) Text can be resized to 200% without loss of content or function.
1.4.5 – Images of Text (Level AA) Don’t use images of text. Sidebar login button
1.4.10 – Reflow (Level AA) Content retains meaning and function without scrolling.
2.4.5 – Multiple Ways (Level AA) Provide more than one way to find pages where necessary.
2.4.6 – Headings and Labels (Level AA) Use clear headings and labels.
2.4.7 – Focus Visible (Level AA) Ensure keyboard focus is visible and clear.
3.1.2 – Language of Parts (Level AA) Tell users when the language on a page changes. n/a
3.2.3 – Consistent Navigation (Level AA) Use menus consistently.
3.2.4 – Consistent Identification (Level AA) Use icons and buttons consistently.
3.3.3 – Error Suggestion (Level AA) Suggest fixes when users make errors.
3.3.4 - Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) (Level AA) Reduce the risk of input errors for sensitive data.