Instrumental Teachers – the most commonly asked questions

Madeleine Casson, Charanga’s National Training Manager, answers some of the most common questions asked at Training and CPD sessions:

How do I make Charanga Music World online learning available to the children I teach?

Whichever Charanga programme you are using, navigate to the Music World page and look for the welcome letter PDF. You can print as many of these as you like and give one to every child who is starting out on an instrument. The letter contains a token and instructions for parents/carers on how to get started. It’s free for children and there is no catch. Over 26,000 children with their parents set themselves up on Music World in this way last year and the feedback was excellent.

I am leading First Access programmes but I teach in the hall and there is no whiteboard

Speak to your school and show them the materials you want to use – they will immediately find the old projector which has been hidden at the back of the cupboard for years since they had their new classroom boards!

I’d like to use the resources but I’m technically terrified

Ask the pupils to run them for you – they see this as a reward and often do this in their other lessons so are very capable! If you are working with the Class Teacher, Support Staff or Partner Teacher, enlist their help and use it as an opportunity to learn yourself.

Set yourself the challenge of using just one resource and see how it goes – you and the children will soon be totally hooked!